| Ursula Wolff
Photographs of Greek Sculpture and Architecture
Jan 12 – February 10, 1939 |
| Robert Willberforce
LECTURE: Some Poets and Essayists from Francis Bacon to Rupert Brooke
March 11, 1938 |
| Fernand Leger
An Exhibition of Paintings, Watercolors, and Gouaches
Mar 06 – April 6, 1936 |
| Laura C. Boulton
PREMIERE MUSIC PRESENTATION: The First Public Presentation of the New Series of Sound and Motion Records of African Music Ensembles by Native Court Orchestras, Singers, and Dancers
April 5, 1935 |
| Arnold C. Bake
LECTURE: The Music and Poetry of India
January 28, 1935 |
| Robert Wallenborn
CONCERT: A Program of Eighteenth-Century and Contemporary Piano Music:
January 27, 1935 |
| Irwin Panofsky
LECTURE: Classical Mythology in Medieval Art
March 19, 1934 |
| Alfred Adler
LECTURE: The Relation of Art to Life
January 3, 1934 |
| Martin Schutze
LECTURE: Form as Meaning in Poetry and the Arts
May 18, 1933 |
| Byron D. McDonald
LECTURE: New Odysseys for Old: Along Modern Trails to Classic Lands Where History was Born
February 9, 1933 |
| Rene Claire
SCREENING: Le Million, 1931
November 23, 1932 |
| Arthur Pope
LECTURE: General Principles of Persian Art
January 15, 1932 |
| Daniel Catton Rich
LECTURE: The Arthur Jerome Eddy Memorial Collection of Modern Painting and Sculpture
January 5, 1932 |
| James Westfall Thompson
LECTURE:The Reflection of Economic and Social Changes in Medieval Architecture
November 13, 1930 |
| Auguste V. Declos
LECTURE: French Painting in the Last Twenty-five Years
October 23, 1930 |
| Thornton Wilder
LECTURE: Three English Letter Writers: Horace Walpole, William Cowper, and Edward Fitzgerald
May 13, 1930 |