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Fine Prints Old and New: The Albert Roulliere Memorial Collection

June 30 – July 04, 1932

Adolphe Beaufrere | Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem | Albert Besnard | David Muirhead Bone | Richard Parkes Bonington | Emile Antoine Bourdelle | Bolton Coit Brown | Felix Buhot | David Young Cameron | Eugene Carriere | Marc Chagall | John Copley | Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot | Charles Francois Daubigny | Honore Daumier | Hermine David | Maurice Denis | Andre Derain | Albrecht Durer | Cornelis Dusart | Henri Fantin-Latour | Comte Serge Jastrebzoff Ferat | Ethel Gabain | Paul Gauguin | Paul Gavarni | Albert Gleizes | Edouard Goerg | Henric de Goudt | Frederick Landseer Griggs | George Grosz | Francis Seymour Haden | Wenceslaus Hollar | Charles Emile Jacque | Alexej von Jawlensky | Laura Johnson Knight | Yasuo Kuniyoshi | Marie Laurencin | Fernand Leger | Alphonse Legros | Gustave Leheutre | Louis Auguste Lepere | Claude Lorrain | Alexandre Lunois | Donald Shaw MacLaughlan | Edouard Manet | Henri Matisse | Charles Meryon | Jean-Francois Millet | Jose Clemente Orozco | Samuel Palmer | Joseph Pennell | Pablo Picasso | Camille Pissarro | Valentine Prax | Pruna | Odilon Redon | Rembrandt | Auguste Rodin | George Rouault | Martin Schongauer | Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac | Charles Sheeler | Leopold Survage | Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec | Jean Veber | Henri Verge-Sarrat | Maurice de Vlaminck | Herman Armour Webster | James McNeill Whistler | Anders Zorn

An exhibition of fine prints old and new arranged by the Albert Roullier Art Galleries opens in Wieboldt Hall 1050 East 59th Street Thursday June 30th 2 to 6:30 and 9:30 to 10:30.

During July the exhibition will be open daily including Sundays from 2 until 5. It will be closed on July 4th.

The Art Institute is showing a group from the Albert Roullier Memorial Collection during June.

The Renaissance Society wishes at this time to offer its tribute of appreciation of the influence of the Albert Roullier Art Galleries on art and taste in Chicago through their standards always maintained and their generous cooperation with others in broadening and extending knowledge of the best achievements of old and new masters of the print and drawing.

The exhibition has been arranged in response to the expressed desire of the head of the department of art of the University- as an accompaniment to a course "The Print" to be given this summer.

This text was taken from the exhibition catalogue.


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