
at The University of Chicago
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Movies of Yesterday and Today

April 04 – April 25, 1933

This movie series is organized in conjunction with International House. The great interest in the many excellent features so far presented in this series confirm our belief in the artistic possibilities of the movie medium. Many people have expressed interest in seeing some of the classic landmarks in the history of the movies. And in order to arrange such a program, old and new film libraries in New York and chicago have been scoured to secure the following program of screen classics.

April 4 -- Movies of Yesterday
A selection of the earliest movies produced including The Great Train Robbery, the first feature film made by Biograph in 1909. Blood-and-thunder, with painted backdrops and false whiskers!

April 11--Movies of Today
In contrast with the program of April 4, here are three excellent features in the mood of 1933.
A Commercial Medley--A series of trailers such as those which one sees every week in the usual programs announcing new pictures, linked together in an extremely amusing manner.
The Brahms Symphony--Photographs of hypothetical light waves produced by music. An interesting and novel abstraction.
L'Opera De Quat Sous--A modern adaptation of the Beggar's Opera, produced by G. W. Pabst, one of the greatest continental producers. Rejecting the customary "touches and clues." Pabst has transferred this most successful piece ever prodded on the English stage to the musical film with enhancement of the impertinences of the original vehicle.

April 18--The Birth of a Nation, 1915, Director D.W. Griffith, and an early Charlie Chaplin film.

April 25--As You Desire Me, 1932, Director George Fitzmaurice, the Greta Garbo version of Pirandello's play of the same name.

Subscriptions and tickets may be secured at International House or the Renaissance Society. Showings will be as usual at 4:30, 7:30, and 9:00.

This text is taken from the series announcement.


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