
at The University of Chicago
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Watercolor Renderings of Americana

October 01 – October 31, 1937

The President and board of directors of the Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago announce an exhibition of watercolor renderings of Americana done for the Index of American Design under the Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration in Illinois.

The fundamental aim of the Index of American Design is the recording of a large body of material which will illustrate the many historic styles, cultural types, and regional aspects of American useful and decorative arts.

These plates will be organized into portfolios on the basis of a carefully devised editorial outline and then reproduced. The portfolios will be made available to libraries, universities, and public educational institutions.

The plates in this exhibition are works of art in themselves and in many cases will be exhibited with the objects which they represent. These objects are now in museums, or are privately owned and have been authenticated by careful research.

205 Wieboldt Hall, during Month of October, daily, including Sunday, from two until five.

This text was taken from the exhibition announcement.


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