
at The University of Chicago
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Ancient Chinese Paintings

from the Collection of Mr. G. Del Drago
September 28 – October 25, 1941

Hsia Kuei
Landscape: Morning on the River
About A.D. 1200
Silk, Monochrome
10" x 10 1/2"
Ni Tsan
Landscape: "Lake Under the Shadow of the Tress and a Pavillion"
b. 1301 d. 1374
XIVth Century
Silk, Monochrome
10" x 14 1/2"
XIVth Century
Silk, Colors
10 1/4" x 12 1/2"

This and the next picture are sections of a scroll depicting foreign peoples.
Khalka Mongols
XIVth Century
SIlk, Colors
10 1/2" x 11 1/4"
A Scholar Watching Water Birds
XIVth Century
Silk, Colors
9 5/8" x 10 1/8"
Chen-t'ung Chi-ju
A General Helped into His Fur Coat by His Servant 1576
Paper, Light Colors
16" x 11 1/4"
Kao K'o-kung
Landscape: Mountains after the Rain
End of XIIIth Century
Silk, Monochrome with Light Colors
16 1/2" x 10 1/2"
Chao Meng-fu
Wen-chi Takes Leave from Husband and Children To Return to China 1301
Silk, Colors
51" x 35 3/4"

Wen-chi was a Chinese lady who was captures by invading barbarians in A.D. 195. She married the chieftain of them, bore him two children, and left them twelve years later when the opportunity came to return to her country.
Kuan Tao-sheng
Starving Horse in the Steppe 1321
Paper, Light Colors
50" x 32 1/2"

Kuan Tao-sheng was the wife of Chao Meng-fu. According to the inscription, the painting was done "in the style of Chao Po-chu," a famous painter at the court of Kao Tsung (1127-1162).
Portrait of an Old Lady
XIV-XVth Century
Silk, Colors
55" x 32 1/2"
Tsu Te
Portrait of I Chai-ts'ao 1441
Paper, Colors
61 1/2" x 38"

Tsu Te painted this portrait of His great-uncle in commemoration of his eighty-fifth birthday, according to the inscription.
Tsu Te
Portrait of the Wife of I Chai-ts'ao 1441
Paper, Colors
61 1/2" x 38"
Portrait of an Abbot with Attenddant
XVIthe Century
Silk, Colors
55" x 34"
A Group of Sixteen Excited Men
First half XVIth Century
Silk, Light Colors
40" x 19"
Chang Lu
Landscape: On the Way to a Friend
b.1464 d.1538
About 1500
Silk, Monochrome
65" x 40 1/2"
Chang Lu
Two Eagles Perching on a Tree
First Quater XVITH Century
Silk, Monochrome
40 1/2" x 52"

Signature of Chang Lu probably not genuine.
Chou Tsung-lien
Old Plum Tree in Bloom
First Half XVIth Century
Silk, Monochrome
42" x 18"
Wang Wu
Fish and Lotus
XVIth Century
Silk, Colors
38 1/2" x 19 3/4"
Lin Liang
Geese Asleep in Moonlight
About 1500
Silk, Monochrome
55" x 28"

Attributed to Lin Liang.
First Half XVIth Century
Silk, Colors
77" x 50"
Lu Chao-yang
Peacocks and Peonies 1552
Silk, Colors
70" x 41 1/2"
Liu Chiu-te
Fallow Deer under Tree in Moonlight
About 1700
Paper, Light Colors
67 1/2" x 35 1/2"
Portrait of a Lady Seen Through a Window
XVIIIth Century
Paper, Colors
Diam. 23"

Poem at top describes the situation.
Tai Chin
Landscape: Overhanging Cliff
About 1500
Silk, Monochrome
13" x 9 1/4"
Two Girls in a Garden
End of XVIIth Century
Silk, Colors
44 3/4" x 23 3/4"
White Horse and Groom
XVIIth Century
Paper, Colors
21" x 14"

Signature of Jen Jen-fa, famous painter of horses in the fourteenth century, not genuine.

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