
at The University of Chicago
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Ancient Chinese Paintings

from the Collection of Mr. G. Del Drago
September 28 – October 25, 1941

Chang Lu | Chao Meng-fu | Chen-t'ung Chi-ju | Chou Tsung-lien | Hsia Kuei | Kao K'o-kung | Kuan Tao-sheng | Lin Liang | Liu Chiu-Te | Lu Chao-yang | Ni Tsan | Tai Chin | Tsu Te | Wang Wu
The exhibition of the Renaissance Society have been important events in the intellectual life of the University community for many years. This year planning its opening show the Society looked for an exhibition of sufficient note to serve also as its feature on the program celebrating the University's Fiftieth Anniversary.

The first choice of the Exhibition Committee was the outstanding collection of ancient Chinese paintings gathered by Mr. Giovanni Del Drago of New York City. As Professor Bachhofer indicates in his introduction to the exhibition, this collection of Chinese paintings is well known in Europe through its exhibition in many of the most important European galleries.

The Renaissance Society is indeed grateful to the owner for his generosity in allowing the collection to be shipped to Chicago for this occasion and to Professor Bachhofer, who modestly omits from his statement about the exhibition his responsibility for the successful negotiations which accomplished that result.

The thanks of the members of the Society and those who view the exhibition are also due to Mr. Frederic Woodward, whose interest in the project, as a member of the Society and as the Director of the University's Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, made the exhibition possible as a feature of the official program of the Fiftieth Anniversary.

This exhibition travelled to the John Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis, IN.

This text was taken from the exhibition catalogue.


Author: Donald P. Bean, President, Renaissance Society

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Mon  Feb 03, 2025