
at The University of Chicago
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Danh Vo

September 23 – December 16, 2012



Danh Vo: Uterus is organized by The Art Institute of Chicago and The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago. The Renaissance Society presentation is generously funded by the Danish Arts Council, Howard and Donna Stone, Nayla Audi, Colecion Isabel y Agustin Coppel, Hector Manuel Gonzalez and Avo Samuelian, and Stefano De Giorgis.

Ongoing support for programs at The Renaissance Society is provided by Alphawood Foundation; the CityArts Program of The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, a municipal agency; Christie?s; The Golden Pearl Foundation; John R. Halligan Charitable Fund; the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency; Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts; Robert Lehman Foundation, The MacArthur Fund for Arts and Culture at Prince; Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick Family Foundation; Nuveen Investments; the Provost?s Discretionary Fund at The University of Chicago; Pritzker Foundation; The Siragusa Foundation; and our membership.

KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP/Linda Warren and Jeffrey C. Hammes is the lead corporate sponsor of the 2012-13 Exhibition Season.

This exhibition, which inaugurates The Society?s 97th season and its 33rd in the Bergman Gallery, is dedicated to the memory of Edwin Bergman. Through his commitment to new and provocative art, Ed championed all The Society stands for. We remain grateful for his outstanding example, friendship, service and support.

The Art Institute presentation is made possible with major funding from the Bluhm Family Endowment Fund, which supports exhibitions of modern and contemporary sculpture. Additional support is provided by the Society for Contemporary Art. Annual support is provided by the Exhibitions Trust: Goldman Sachs, Kenneth and Anne Griffin, Thomas and Margot Pritzker, the Earl and Brenda Shapiro Foundation, the Trott Family Foundation, and the Woman's Board of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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is a contemporary art
museum free and
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Wed  Mar 12, 2025