Chinese Painting at Mid-Century
May 04 – June 12, 1971
The Renaissance Society is deeply indebted to Jeannette Shambaugh Stein for organizing "Chinese Painting at Mid-Century." Her dedication, enthusiasm and knowledge are reflected in this unusual selection of Chinese brush paintings. We are especially grateful for the cooperation of the Art Institute of Chicago and Professors Harrie Vanderstappen of the Univeristy of Chicago, Chu-tsing Li of the University of Kansas, Michael Sullivan of Stanford University, and James Cahill of the University of California whose concern and assistance have been invaluable. We thank all the lenders to the exhibition and the many donors of funds which helped defray our costs. Special thanks to Charles Dornbusch for his handsome installation, to Margaret Chang and Wen-ching Tsien for thie beautiful calligraphy, to David Travis for the catalogue design and to staff members Karin Rosenberg and Maxine Marks and to Sylvia Piechocka for their unstinting efforts during the organization of the exhibiton.
Martyl Langsdorf
President of the Board
This text was originally published in the exhibition brochure.