Chang Yuan | Ch'en Ch'i-K'uan | Ch'eng Shih-fa | Ch'i Huang | Fong Chung-ray | Fu Pao-shih | Ho Hwai-shouh | Hsu Pei-hung | Huang Chih | Huang Chou | Huang Chun-pi | Huang Pan-je | Hung Hsien | Li K'o-jan | Lin Feng-mien | Liu Kuo-sung | Tam Chi-sing | Wang Chi-ch'ien | Wu Tso-jen | Yu Cheng-yao In this exhibition the works of twenty Chinese artists will be presented. Thirteen of the artists are still alive, inlcuding three in mainland China. Six of the artists live in Formosa. The exhibition is limited to the mid-20th century and to ink and brush painting. it is believed that this exhibition will be the first show of contemporary Chinese painting in Chicago. Many of the works have never been exhibited anywhere in the United States.
Some of the 45 works exhibited are from the private collection of Jeanette Shambaugh Stein (Mrs. Sydney, Jr.), a member of the Renaissance Society. She organized the exhibition and obtained paintings on loan from as far away as Hong Kong and Taipei.
Mrs. Stein has been interested in Far Eastern art since her undergraduate days at Radcliffe College. She pursued this interest as a graduate student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Far Eastern art history. Commenting on the exhibit, she said:
"The mid-20th century painters assembled here demonstrate many varieties of personal style, and many varieties of response to this turbulent period. It may occur to some that the charming, fresh, original paintings of contemporary life, chosen here for artistic merit, are an unimpeachable response to the party demands for "socialist realism." The landscape paintings, while linked to the past, are unmistakably original and individual. In every period, including the last 50 years, (in spite of frequent generalizations to the contrary) fresh and original painters have emerged."
This text was originally published in the exhibition's press release.