
at The University of Chicago
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Martin Kippenberger

The Happy End of Kafka's Amerika
September 10 – October 29, 2000

Thu, Sep 7, 20007:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Radio Broadcast

Living Testament That Any Home Can Be Converted
Diedrich Diederichsen

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Noted German music and art critic Diedrich Diederichsen will D.J. a special program on University of Chicago's college radio station WHPK (88.5 FM).
Sun, Sep 10, 20004:00 pm

Opening Reception and Lecture

Lecture by Diedrich Diederichsen

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Critic Diedrich Diederichsen, a frequent contributor to Artforum and a friend of Kippenberger's, will speak on the artist's work.
Sat, Sep 23, 200010:00 am – 12:00 pm


Reinhold Heller and Stephanie Smith

Location: The Smart Museum
Reinhold Heller, Professor of Art History at the University of Chicago, and Stephanie Smith, Smart Museum Associate Curator, will discuss German Expressionist drawings in relation to Kippenberger's work.
Sat, Sep 23, 20006:00 pm


Diedrich Diederichsen

Location: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Admission: free
Critic Diedrich Diederichsen, a frequent contributor to Artforum and a friend of Kippenberger's, will speak on the artist's work.
Thu, Sep 28, 20007:00 pm


Student Open House
Amerika by Franz Kafka

Location: The Renaissance Society and the Smart Museum
Admission: free
University of Chicago faculty, students and staff will read from Kafka's Amerika. Simultaneous readings will occur throughout the evening in the exhibition galleries at both instutions. Come for part or for all. Readers at the Smart Museum will start at the beginning of the novel, while readers at The Renaissance Society will concentrate on the last chapters of the unfinished story.
Sun, Oct 15, 20001:30 pm

Exhibition Tours

Location: The Renaissance Society and The Smart Museum
Admission: free
Meet at The Renaissance Society for a tour of the exhibition, which will continue at the Smart Museum. Led by University of Chicago student docents.

Another tour will be given on October 29.
Sat, Oct 21, 20008:00 pm


Theodor Ross and Wilhelm Bruck

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: $10 general admissio
Theodor Ross and Wilhelm Bruck, two of the world's leading contemporary classical guitarists, specializing in musical theater, will debut a work that The Society commissioned from Chicago composer and bass clarinetist Gene Coleman. They will be joined by flautist Camilla Hoytenga.
Sat, Oct 28, 20003:00 pm

Exhibition Tour

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Join Stephanie Smith, Associate Curator of the Smart Museum, and Hamza Walker, Education Director at the Renaissance Society, for a special tour of the exhibitions. The tour will start at the Smart Museum and continue at the Renaissance Society.

In conjunction with the University of Chicago Humanities Open House

The Renaissance Society
is a contemporary art
museum free and
open to the public
Fri  Mar 14, 2025