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German Neo-Expressionist Graphics

May 20 – July 01, 1984

Sun, May 20, 19844:00 pm

Opening Reception

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Mon, May 21, 19848:00 pm

Film Series

German Expressionism/ Neo- Expressionism

Location: Cochrane-Woods Art Center, University of Chicago
Admission: free
A three-week long series of German films designed to capture the political, social, and aesthetic sensibilitites expressed in the exhibitions German Neo-Expressionist Graphics at The Renaissance Society and An alle Kunstler! War-Revolution-Weimar at the David and Alfred Smart Gallery. The films from the 1920s are silent with English subtitles. Those shown under the category of "New Objectivity" wil be preceded by short documentaries made during the last years of the Weimar Republic. All films will be shown in Room 157 of the Cochrane-Woods Art Center, 5540 S. Greenwood, beginning at 8:00 pm.

Monday, May 21:
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, 1919, Robert Wiene, b/w, 50 min., subtitles
Die Hintertreppe(The Backstairs), 1921, Leopold Jessner, b/w, 43 min., subtitles

Wednesday, May 23:
Der Golem, 1920, Henrick Galeen, b/w, 72 min., subtitles

Wednesday, May 30:
Dem Deutschen Volke, (To the German People), Election film by the SPD for the Reichstag elections of May 1928, 11 min., montage and animation
Menschen Untereinander (People Side-by-Side), 1926, Gerhard Lamprecht, b/w, 90 min., silent

Thursday, May 31:
Volk und Fuhrer (The People and their Leader), propaganda film by the NSDAP with a speech made by Adolf Hitler on April 4, 1932, 5 min., sound
Hitlerjungend in den Bergen (Hitler Youth in the Mountains), promotional film of the NSDAP made in summer, 1932, 24 min., sound
Wie der Arbeiter Wohnt (How the Worker Lives), documentary film by the SPD about the plight of workers in Berlin in 1932, Slaten Dudow, 12 min., silent
Kuhle Wampe(Who Owns the World), 1932, Slaten Dudow, script by Bertolt Brecht and Ernst Ottwald, music by Hans Eisler, b/w, 75 min., subtitles

Monday, June 4, and Wednesday, June 6:
Prometheus, Georg Baselitz, 16 mm film
Standart-Film, 1970, A.R. Penck, 16 mm film
Mon, May 21, 19848:01 pm

Continuing Education Class

German Expressionism/ Neo-Expressionism

Location: The Renaissance Society and The David and Alfred Smart Gallery
Admission: $60.00
"Expressionism" is a term frequently used to describe various knds of artistic styles. but in Germany during the early 20th century, German Expressionism was much more than just a style; it was a major movement that strove for social, political, and cultural change. Between 1918 and 1922, German Expressionist artists communicated this quest for change through the creation of bold prints and vibrant posters that illustrated radical journals or decorated cafe sites where intellectuals and revolutionaries gathered.

This course draws upon the resources of two complementary German Expressionist exhibitions at the University of Chicago this Spring: An alle Kunstler! War-Revolution-Weimar: German Expressionist Prints, Drawings, Posters, and Periodicals from The Robert Gore Rifkind Foundation, at the David and Alfred Smart Gallery, and German Neo-Expressionist Graphics at The Renaissance Society. A series of lectures and guided tours will provide those enrolled with an informative overview of the social and artistic aspects of the German Expressionist movement, and the profound impact this movement as well as more recent political events have had on the graphic art produced in Germany today.

Photography of the Weimar Republic, a selection of photographic images and faces from the Weimar Republic, organized by the Goethe Institute, Chicago, will be on display at the Smart Gallery through July 1, in conjjunction with An alle Kunstler! War-Revolution-Weimar.

Horst Antes, an exhibition of prints by the contemporary German artist Horst Antes, 1936-, will be on display at the Smart Gallery through July 1, as a complement to the German Expressionist and Neo-Expressionist exhibitions.

German Expressionist Prints, 1918-1922: Revolutions, Euphoria, and Disillusionment, a lecture based on An alle Kunstler! will be presented by its curator Ida Katherine Rigby, Associate Professor of the History of Art, San Diego State Univerisity, on Thursday, May 24, at 8:00 pm.

Noon-Time Talks:
Two noon-time talks will be presented on Wednesday, May 23, and Wednesday, May 30, at 12:15 pm. Julia Bernard and Robin Reisenfeld, graduate students from the University of Chicago Department of Art History, will informally discuss aspects of the exhibition German Neo-Expressionist Graphics at The Renaissance Society.

Film Series:
A three week long series of German films ranging from German Expressionist classics such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, to documentaries from the late Weimar period, to the works of contemporary German Neo-Expressionist artists.
Wed, May 23, 198412:15 pm

Noon-Time Talks:

Aspects of German Neo-Expressionist Graphics
Julia Bernard and Robin Rosenfeld

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Julia Bernard and Robin Reisenfeld, graduate students in the Department of Art, will conduct informal discussions of the exhibition in the gallery on May 23 and May 30 at 12:15 pm
Sat, May 26, 198410:00 am


Jorg Immendorff

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Two videotapes by Jorg Immendorff--Brandenburger Tor and Cafe Deutschland will be shown continuously during gallery hours on May 26 and 27, and June 2 and 3.

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