
at The University of Chicago
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Feng Mengbo

January 13 – February 24, 2002

Sun, Jan 13, 20021:00 pm

Quake III Arena: Showdown 2002

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Good at Quake? Mengbo needs a serious whoopin'! Mengbo, who boasts of his Quake skills, welcomes all competitors for a live Quake Showdown. Survive and win valuable prizes!
Sun, Jan 13, 20025:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Opening Reception and Discussion

Location: The Renaissance Society
There will be a discussion with the artist and Hamza Walker at 5 PM.
Sun, Jan 27, 20023:00 pm


Steven L. Kent

Location: Cobb Hall Room 307 (directly below the gallery)
Admission: free
Kent will give an informal talk about historical developments within the industry as they lead up to the present. Topics include new technologies, the Entertainment Software Review Board (ESRB), and the post-9/11 fallout. Kent, author of The First Quarter: A 25-Year History of the Video Game is a columnist for MSNBC and The L.A. Times as well as a frequent contributor to Wired and Next Generation. He is called upon regularly to testify before Senate committees about the industry.
Sun, Feb 24, 20021:30 pm

Special Exhibition Tour of Mu Xin and Feng Mengbo: Q4U

Join Smart Museum Associate Curator Stephanie Smith and Renaissance Society Education Director Hamza Walker for a special tour. Visitors will move between two poles of recent Chinese art, beginning at the Smart Museum among Mu Xin's evocative landscape paintings and ending at the Renaissance Society in Feng Mengbo's leading-edge video installation

The Renaissance Society
is a contemporary art
museum free and
open to the public
Thu  Mar 13, 2025