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Victor Hammer

May 20 – June 19, 1948

Victor Hammer
Portrait in Styrian Costume
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mrs. Hedwig Khuner, New York
Victor Hammer
Self Portrait with Tuning Fork
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mrs. R. C. Stern, New York
Victor Hammer
Self Portrait with Brush
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mr. Edgar J. Kaufmann, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Victor Hammer
Miss Charlotte Beatruce Ogle 1931
tempera and oil
Victor Hammer
Mrs. Parmenia Ekstrom 1943
tempera and oil
Victor Hammer
Mrs. Elizabeth Schermerhorn 1942
tempera and oil
Victor Hammer
Christ and the Money Changers 1945
egg tempera
Victor Hammer
Miss Elinor Patterson as Megildis, Salzburg
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mrs. A. H. Patterson, Chicago
Victor Hammer
Mme. Huni, N?e Mirabaud, Paris
tempera and oil
Victor Hammer
Veronka Hammer, The Artist's Daughter 1933
Victor Hammer
Santa Notburga 1940
tempera and oil
Victor Hammer
Countess H. I. Reventlow 1940
oil and tempera
Victor Hammer
Konrad Mautner 1914
Victor Hammer
Anna Mautner 1917
Victor Hammer
Aesopus and Rhodopis 1948
egg tempera
Victor Hammer
Portrait of Mrs. Robert Hunter Middleton 1946
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter Middleton
Victor Hammer
Christ and the Adultress
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mr. Edgar J. Kaufmann, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Victor Hammer
Portrait of Mr. E. J. Kaufmann,
tempera and oil
Courtesy of Mr. Edgar J. Kaufmann, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Victor Hammer
Victor Hammer
Victor Hammer
Miss Ruth Temple
Victor Hammer
Austrian Peasant Girl, Marie H?ber
Victor Hammer
Edm?e Gartenburg
Victor Hammer
Little Rosemary Mizener
Victor Hammer
Nude, London
Victor Hammer
Nude, Vienna
Victor Hammer
H. I. Reventlow
Victor Hammer
Renata Von Bethman-Hollweg
Victor Hammer
Little Gurlitt
Victor Hammer
Thea Ruyter, Den Haag
Victor Hammer
Martha Tauss, Graz
Victor Hammer
Mme. Huni, N?e Mirabaud, Paris
Victor Hammer
Christ, Coronation of the Virgin
Victor Hammer
Austrian Peasant Girl, Flora Schl?mmer
Victor Hammer
Janet Lauderdale
Victor Hammer
Drapery, Consilarius
Victor Hammer
Drawing for Portrait of Mrs. Middleton
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter Middleton
Victor Hammer
Portrait of Annie Kredel 1926
Courtesy of Mr. Fritz Kredel
Victor Hammer
Portrait of Fritz Kredel 1945
Courtesy of Mr. Fritz Kredel
Victor Hammer
Portrait of Mrs. V. Hindenburg
Courtesy of Mr. Fritz Kredel
Victor Hammer
M. Tauss, Styrian Costume
Victor Hammer
Heinrich Schenker, Musician
Victor Hammer
Oskar Stracker, Surgeon
Victor Hammer
Self Portrait
Courtesy of Mr. Fritz Kredel
Victor Hammer
Two Proofs for the Initial of the Dialogue on the Uncial
metal engraving
Courtesy of Mr. Ulrich Middledorf
Victor Hammer
Title Page of H?lderlin Poems (in process of printing)
Victor Hammer
Eine Redende Blume
Preparative cut for the Pindar type
Victor Hammer
Balade de bon Conseyl
Samson type
Victor Hammer
2 Sheets of Prospectus for Samson
Victor Hammer
G. Leopardi
Canto Notturno, Samson type
Victor Hammer
Metalcut of Frontspiece to T. Tasso and Woodcut for Tauernreise
Victor Hammer
Ch. P?guy
prospectus and drawing for it and trial proof of the metalcut
Victor Hammer
Trial cut of Uncial for A.T.F. 14 Pt., Opposite: Same Text in Spiral 14 pt.
Victor Hammer
Walter Von der Vogelweide, Samson type UNIQUE
Victor Hammer
Le Centaure, 2 copied
Victor Hammer
Samson Agonistes
No. 47, Red Morocco-Samson type
Victor Hammer
Samson Agonistes
Waste copy, parchment wrapper-Samson type
Victor Hammer
T. Tasso 24 Sonetti, Pindar type, Red Morocco
Victor Hammer
Louize, Lab?, 24 Sonnets, Pindar type, Red Morocco
Victor Hammer
Max Mell, Das Paradeisspiel, Pindar type
Victor Hammer
H?lderlin, Fragmente Aus Pindar, Pindar type
Victor Hammer
Otto Reicher, Tauernreise, Samson type
Victor Hammer
Otto Reicher, Tauerbnreise, Pindar type with woodcut on title page
Victor Hammer
Otto Reicher, Faschingrennen, Pindar type
Victor Hammer
Bacon's Essays, Samson type
Victor Hammer
Fritz Kredel: Blutiger Kehraus, 1918
Review copy, Hammerpresse
Victor Hammer
Ch. P?guy: Le Mystere Della Chatrit? de Jeanne d'arc, Pantheon Books
Victor Hammer
2 Copies of Janet Lewis, The Earth-Bound
Victor Hammer
Hofmannsthal-Eberlein, The Little Theater of the World
Victor Hammer
2 Copies, James Feibleman: Journey to the Coastal Marsh, Cummington Press
Victor Hammer
2 Specimen Sheets of American Uncial
Victor Hammer
2 Copies of Begegnung Mit Stefan George, 2. ASuflage, Hammerpresse
Victor Hammer
2 Copies of Konrad Fiedler: Nine Aphorisms from the Notebooks of K. F.
Victor Hammer
Rochester: Mankind, For New Directions
Victor Hammer
7 Issues of Aurora: Steiner, Leger, Wilder, Guill?n, Mallarm?, C. M. Doughty
Victor Hammer
Bilke, Briefe an eine Freundin, Aurora, No. VL
Victor Hammer
Christ and the Money Changers
Progressive proofs of Dotted Print engraved on metal. For the Rochester Print Club

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