The Anonymous Image
May 07 – June 08, 1974
Judith Citrin
Euphrosynes's Daughter 1973
Wood, feathers, mirror, photo collage, plastic 9.5 x 7 in. Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Art Green
Indecent Composure 1970
Color lithograph 18 x 24 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Red Grooms
Sunday News Rotogravure Section Page 8 1972
Indian ink on paper 30 x 22 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Verne Funk
Lick your platter clean: A Self Portrait 1973
Whiteware, clear glaze 15 in. diameter Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Krys Hendren
Untitled 1973
three pencil drawings on paper 11 x 14 in. Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Jim Lange
Red Pants - White Pants 1973
Colored pencil on board 28 x 35 in. Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Stefanie Levy Howell
Someone's in the Kitchen with Julia 1973
Low fire ceramic and wood 24 x 34 in. Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Robert Lostutter
Map to the Morning Dance IV 1973
Oil on canvas 60 X 54 inches Courtesy of Deson-Zaks Gallery, Chicago
James McGarrell
Wings I 1963
Lithograph 22 x 30 in. Courtesy of Allan Frumkin Gallery, Chicago
Gladys Nilsson
A Big Man 1970
Watercolor 30 x 22 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
William Otton
Only Her Hairdresser Knows 1973
Acrylic on canvas 36 x 24 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Philip Pearlstein
Two Nudes 1972
Pencil drawing 19 x 24 in. Courtesy of Allan Frumkin Gallery, Chicago
Seymour Rosofsky
The General 1968
Lithograph 32 x 24 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Barbara Rossi
Poor Self Trait #1 (Dog Girl) 1970
Etching with color aquatint 10.25 x 7.75 in Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Elwood Smith
Merrick 1974
Ink and watercolor on plywood 49 x 31 in. Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Walter Thompson
Joyce 1973
Acrylic on canvas 29 x 22 in. Courtesy of Nancy Lurie Art, Chicago
Ron Weaver
Whales 1973
Acrylic on canvas 48 x 51 in. Courtesy of Deson-Zaks Gallery, Chicago
Horacio Torres
Fragment of Nude on Draperies 1973
Oil on canvas 50 x 52 in. Courtesy of Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago
Karl Wirsum
Draw me tender Foot 1969
Crayon and India ink 24 x 36 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Ray Yoshida
Analogies #8 1973
Collage and drawing 19 x 24 in. Courtesy of Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago