Modern European and Antique Oriental Art
April 07 – April 21, 1930
bronze Courtesy of Mr. Arthur T. Aldis
Olga Chassaing
stucco Courtesy of Mr. Arthur T. Aldis
Chana Orloff
Mother and Child
wood Courtesy of Mr. Arthur T. Aldis
Courtesy of Mr. Robert Allerton
Adge Baker
Zoo Study
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic C. Bartlett
Adge Baker
Zoo Study
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic C. Bartlett
White Vase
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic C. Bartlett
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic C. Bartlett
Susan Valadon
Still Life
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic C. Bartlett
Still Life
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic C. Bartlett
Leopold Survage
Courtesy of Mrs. Leonard Bloomfield
Van Gogh
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Walters S. Brewster
Constantin Guys
Portrait of a Lady
Courtesy of Mrs. Lewis Coburn
Constantin Guys
The Couple
Courtesy of Mrs. Lewis Coburn
Constantin Guys
One of the Harem Dames
Courtesy of Mrs. Lewis Coburn
Constantin Guys
Two Women
Courtesy of Mrs. Lewis Coburn
Branch of Lemons
Courtesy of Mrs. Lewis Coburn
Mortuary Figure
Chinese Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Cooper
Marta Afzelaus
Iceland Scene
Courtesy of Mrs. Inez Cunningham
Marta Afzelaus
Sweden in Summertime
Courtesy of Mrs. Inez Cunningham
From the Open Window
Courtesy of Mrs. Inez Cunningham
Corean Painting
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Max Epstein
Moruary Figure
Chinese Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Max Epstein
Courtesy of Mr. Thomas Gerrity
Marie Laurencin
Young Girl With Guitar
Courtesy of Mr. Arthur Heun
Leopold Survage
Mount Agel
Courtesy of Mr. Arthur Heun
The Warrior
Courtesy of Mrs. Frank R. Lillie
Mortuary Figure
Chinese Courtesy of Mrs. Frank R. Lillie
Raoul Dufy
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic L. Miller
Raoul Dufy
Le Train Bleu
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic L. Miller
Raoul Dufy
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic L. Miller
Raoul Dufy
Le Cirque
Courtesy of Mr. Frederic L. Miller
Mortuary Figure
Chinese Courtesy of Mr. Frederic L. Miller
Marc Chagall
Mother and Child
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Marc Chagall
Jewish Festival
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Jules Pascin
The Handsome Barber
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Jules Pascin
Scene in Havana
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Jules Pascin
Negro Mammies
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Paul Signac
Les Andelys
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Paul Signac
Saint Tropez
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Pablo Picasso
Woman Seated
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Dunoyer de Segonzac
Green Trees
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
A. Derain
The Greek Woman
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
A. Derain
Bust of a Woman
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
A. Derain
Vase of Flowers
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
A. Derain
Still Life
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
A. Derain
Head of a Woman
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
G. Gallibert
Italian Musicians
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
G. Gallibert
The Quay
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Zygmunt Menkes
Vase of Flowers
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. John Nef
Leopold Survage
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Paepcke
Ballet Dancers
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Paepcke
Hermine David
The Riviera
Courtesy of Miss Alice Roullier
Leopold Survage
Courtesy of Miss Alice Roullier
Antique Chinese Alabaster Head
Courtesy of Miss Alice Roullier
Ragdut School
Persian Miniature
Eighteenth century Courtesy of Mr. Martin C. Schwab
Ragdut School
Persian Miniature
Eighteenth century Courtesy of Mr. Martin C. Schwab
Mughal School
Persian Miniature
Eighteenth century Courtesy of Mr. Martin C. Schwab
Pierre Bonnard
The Vestibule
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Fernard Leger
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Henri Matisse
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Henri Labasque
The Afternoon Nap
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
August Renoir
Young Girl in Garden
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Paul Signac
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Paul Signac
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
French Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Gold-bronze Figure
German Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Chana Orloff
Bronze Head
Russian Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Worcester
Ancient Egyptian necklace of carnelian pomegranets and blue faience beads
Fifteenth of sxteenth century B.C. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Ancieant Egyptian amethyst necklace
about 4000 years old Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Egyptian necklace with gold rosettes, lapis lazuli and carnelian beads
about 4000 years old Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Old Turkish necklace from Constantinople
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Old English necklace of gold and pearls
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Ancient Egyptian necklace of amethyst, turquoise, carnelian, and rock crystal beads of the Eighteenth Dynasty
about 3300 years old The sarab is of pate de verre, about 2500 years old Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Two antique Syrian necklaces of silver and amber The amber beads were brought to Jerusalem by Moslem pilgrims on their way to Mecca and sold to ra
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Ancient Egyptian necklace of blue glazed beads
about 4000 years old Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Egyptian necklace of blue glazed beads with gold filigree pendants made in the bazaar at the gate of the Tomb-Mosque of Ali, the son-in-law of Mohamed
about 4000 years old Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Ancient Egyptian necklace of carnelian and turquoise
probably between 1500 and 1000 B.c. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Head of an Egyptian priest in green basalt
Seventh century B.C. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Modern porcelain reproduction of ancient Egyptian libation vase
Twenty-eighth century Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted Original was of gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and turquoise. It bears the name of King Sahure.
Head of Nefrotete (reproduction)
Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breasted
Wung Fei
Tigers 1375
(Ming) Chinese Courtesy of Mr. Martin C. Schwab