
at The University of Chicago
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Exhibition of Chinese Paintings of the T'ang, Sung and Yuan Periods

March 07 – March 07, 1926

after Wu Tao-tse
Portrait of the White-robed Mahasattva
Ming period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Li Chao-tao
Snow Scenery
T'ang period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Sin Ch'eng
Portrait of Pu-tai Ho-shang
T'ang period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Kwan Hiu
Portrait of the Bodhisattva Manjusri 832
T'ang period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Kwan Hiu
Portrait of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra 832
T'ang period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-Tsai
Li Ai-chi
Wu-tai period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Li Ch'eng
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Su Han-ch'en
Boy Playing with a Cat 1072
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Chao Ta-nien
Boat Returning in Wind and Rain
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Chu Hi
Releasing an Ox for the Vernal Sacrifice
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Hu Tao-ning
Fisherman's Returning During a Winter Night
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Portrait of Liou Tong Ping
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Schiu Ba
Double Swan and Tree
Sung period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Lady Kwan
Autumn Landscape with Bamboo
Yuan period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai
Ni Tsan
Picture of a Lonely Pavilion with Old Trees
Yuan period
Courtesy of Mr. Loo Ching-tsai

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Sat  Jul 27, 2024