Albert Oehlen
Recent Paintings November 26 – December 30, 1995
Albert Oehlen
Little Symphony 1994
Oil on canvas 94.5 x 78.75 inches Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
Twins 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.5 x 78.5 inches Courtesy of Collection Eli Broad Family Foundation, Santa Monica
Albert Oehlen
Kaleidoscope 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic, silkscreen ink on canvas 79.33 x 79.5 inches Courtesy of Collection Eli Broad Family Foundation, Santa Monica
Albert Oehlen
Untitled #5 1994
Oil on canvas 96 x 80 inches Courtesy of Collection Mandy and Cliff Einstein
Albert Oehlen
Embraceable You 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.5 x 86.6 inches Courtesy of Thea Westreich/Art Advisory Service, New York
Albert Oehlen
Folk Tale 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 86.6 x 94.5 inches Courtesy of Collection Penny Pritzker and Brian Traubert
Albert Oehlen
Poise 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic, silkscreen ink on canvas 75.6 x 79.3 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
Cross Breeding 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic, silkscreen ink on canvas 118.75 x 79.6 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
Music Always 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.6 x 78.6 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
Humpty Dumpty 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.6 x 79 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
First Take 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.6 x 78.75 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
Check-up 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.5 x 78.3 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
Albert Oehlen
Brings Goodness 1994
Oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas 94.5 x 94.5 inches Courtesy of the artist and Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlin, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York