The Age of Aquarius
March 13 – May 01, 2011
Wed, Apr 20, 2011 8:00 pmVincent Barras and Jacques DemierreVincent Barras and Jacques Demierre (spoken word)
Vincent Barras and Jacques Demierre from The Renaissance Society on Vimeo.
Sun, Mar 13, 2011 4:00 pm – 7:00 pmAmy Grappell Artist TalkThe Age of Aquarius
Amy Grappell Artist Talk from The Renaissance Society on Vimeo.
Sun, Apr 10, 2011 2:00 pmStoned Soul Picnic: a lecture by Carl RaschkeCarl Raschke
Stoned Soul Picnic: a lecture by Carl Raschke from The Renaissance Society on Vimeo.