William Pope.L
Forlesen April 28 – June 23, 2013
William Pope.L: Forlesen is generously funded by the Harper Court Arts Council and the UChicago Arts Council.
Ongoing support for programs at The Renaissance Society is provided by Alphawood Foundation; the CityArts Program of The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, a municipal agency; Christie?s; the Efroymson Family Fund, The Golden Pearl Foundation; John R. Halligan Charitable Fund; the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency; Robert Lehman Foundation, The MacArthur Fund for Arts and Culture at Prince; Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick Family Foundation; Nuveen Investments; the Provost?s Discretionary Fund at The University of Chicago; Pritzker Foundation; The Siragusa Foundation; and our membership.
KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP/Linda Warren and Jeffrey C. Hammes is the lead corporate sponsor of the 2012-13 Exhibition Season.