Katarzyna Kozyra
The Rite of Spring January 14 – February 25, 2001
Support for Katarzyna Kozyra: The Rite of Spring has been received from The Chicago Community Trust; CityArts Program of The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, a municipal agency; the Dorothy and Gaylord Donnelley Foundation; the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency; The LLWW Foundation; LOT Polish Airlines; Lewis and Susan Manilow; The Peter Norton Family Foundation; The Pritzker Foundation, The Sara Lee Foundation; The Siragusa Foundation; WPWR-TV Channel 50 Foundation; and our membership.
Kozyra's exhibition is part of In Between: Art From Poland, 1945-2000, a collaboration among several museums. Participating venues include The Chicago Cultural Center, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Gallery 400 and The Art Institute of Chicago.
American Airlines is the official airline of The Renaissance Society's 1999-2000 season.