Terry Allen | Arakawa | Dottie Attie | Steven Beyer | Carole Caroompas | Agnes Denes | Vernon Fisher | Rosemary Mayer | Jim Melchert | George Miller | Auste Peciura | Lucio Pozzi | Ed Ruscha | Alexis Smith | Michelle Stuart | William T. Wiley Words as Images presents a selection of contemporary artists using language in the context of visual art. Conceptual artists approached the question of the art process by electing language over customary visual forms. Less easily categorizable are those artists utilizing sequences or juxtapositions of language and images in their work. In various permutations the structures of the text, the equation, or the graph have been presented in analogous relation to visual symbols. In this exhibit, the Society will examine some of the methods and concepts involved in the synthesis of word and image, with an eye toward introducing the Chicago art community to a number of artists whos work has seldom been seen in the Midwest.
During the ocurse of the exhibiton several of the participating artists will stage performances/readings of texts associated with their work. These artists will be availabel to share their perceptions and ideas with interested viewers, and the events will be an important part of the introduction of this work to the community.
A special edition of WhiteWalls will serve as a catalogue for the exhibition. It is edited by Buzz Spector, Regan and Roberta Upshaw. Spector and Reagan Upshaw write art criticism in Chicago. Spector is an artist.