Fandra Chang | Mary Corse | Caren Furbeyre | Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe | James Hayward | Maxwell Hendler | Scot Heywood | Linda Hudson | Liz Larner | John M. Miller | James Richards | Roy Thurston | Carolee Toon | Alan Wayne | Jonathan White | Pae White Organized by David Pagel, art historian and critic for the Los Angeles Times, this exhibition will present a group of artist whose works relate to those of the original California Light and Space artists (Robert Irwin, Maria Nordman, James Turrell.) While the artworks in this show share much of the extreme concentration and visual subtlety of Irwin and Turrell, the transcendental severity propounded by this is often contradicted by this group's choice of material and colors, which range from traditional painting to polyester resin and colored liquids. This group is not a formal "movement" or "school" of any kind, but are representative of one prevalent approach to art-making in Los Angeles.