
at The University of Chicago
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Pictures Up to $20.00

September 26 – October 17, 1946

Emil Armin | Frances Badger | Gifford Beal | Reynolds Beal | David Bekker | Fred Biesel | Louis Bouche | Fritzi Brod | Ethel Crouch Brown | Eleanor Coen | Marion Cunningham | Gustaf Dalstrom | Randall Davey | Frank Davidson | Roy DeCarava | Caroline Durieux | Dean Fausett | Ernest Fiene | Frances Foy | Louise A. Freedman | Maurice Friedlander | Agnes C. Gale | Paula Gerard | May Hardman Gilruth | Lloyd Goff | F. Wynn Graham | William Gropper | Robert Gwarthmey | George "Pop" Hart | John Heliker | Philip Hicken | Kalman Himmel | Lawrence A. Jones | Max Kahn | Paul Kelpe | Benjamin Kopman | Richard Lahey | Beatrice Levy | Charles Locke | Martyl | Doris Meltzer | Guy Pene du Bois | Geno Pettit | Tunis Ponsen | Leonard Pytlak | Sydney Raynes | Boardman Robinson | Andre Ruellan | Flora Schofield | Shoshannah | John Sloan | Moses Soyer | Raphael Soyer | H. Sternberg | Augusta Swawite | Abram Tromka | Adrian Troy | Egon Weiner | Esther Williams | Mahonri Young | Elie Zimmer
Paintings, prints and drawings by well-known American artists for your collection. This exhibition is sponsored primarily for students but members and friends are welcome to buy.


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is a contemporary art
museum free and
open to the public
Sat  Jul 27, 2024