Northern Renaissance Art in Shakespeare's Time
October 12 – November 14, 1964
Hans von Aachen | Nicholas Beatrizet | Jacques Bellange | Hans Bol | Jan I. Brueghel | Jacques Callot | Hieronymus Cock | Jan de Cock, called Wellens (attributed) | Theodore De Bry | Etienne DeLaune | Frans Floris (attributed) | Marc Gheeraerts | Hendrick Goltzius (attributed) | Gualdorp Gortzius | Jean Gourment I | Cornelis van Haarlem | F. Huys | Karel van Mander | Joos de Momper | Anthonis Mor | Paul Morelse | Jon Muller | Francois Poubus the Younger | William Rogers | Aegidius Sadeler | Jan Saensedan | School of Marcus Gheerhaerts | Jonas Snyderhoef | Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen | Marten de Vos | Mathias Zundt (attributed) To commemorate the 400th birthday of William Shakespeare and in recognition of his achievements, an exhibition of northern Renaissance paintings, drawings, and prints will be on view at The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago sponsored by the Division of the Humanities and organized by the Department of Art and The Renaissance Society for the University's Festival Shakespeare and the Renaissance.