Jay Hambidge
LECTURE:Further Evidences of Dynamic Symmetry in Greek Architecture April 29 – April 29, 1921
Mr. Jay Hambidge, Scammon Lecturer at the Art Institute, and author of Dymanic Symmetry: The Greek Vase, will give an illustrated lecture before the Sociey and its friends on April 19, 1921, at 8:15 P.M., in Harper Assembly Room on "Further Evidences of Dynamic Symmetry in Greek Architecture." Mr. Hambidge has just returned from Greece where he was sent by Yale University to study the plans of the principal temples in the light of his studies oif Greek vases. He will deal particularly with the Parthenon and the Temple of Apollo at Bassae, both works of the Periclean architect Ictinus.
Mabel Banta Beeson
This text was taken from the event invitation.