Hans Richter
Paintings and Material on His Films January 16 – February 05, 1949
Dreams That Money Can Buy, the surrealist film directed by Hans Richter, which was shown for three months consecutively in New York, will have its first Chicago showings under the auspices of The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago on the evenings of January 13 and 15, at 8:30, in Mandel Hall, 59th Street at University Avenue.
On Sunday afternoon, January 16,at 3:00, members of the Renaissance Society and their guests will preview an exhibition of Richter's work in the galleries in Goodspeed Hall, 1010 East 59th Street, which will continue to be on view through February 5.
The exhibition, which will be installed by Mies van der Rohe, distinguished modern architect, Head of the Architectural Department of the Illinois Institute of Technology and an old friend of Richter's, will consist of abstract paintings, some early scroll paintings, and stills and original material from the film Dreams That Money Can Buy.
Richter will be present to speak at the second showing of the film on Saturday, January 15, and as guest of honor at the preview of the exhibition.
The film, Dreams That Money Can Buy, which received the prize for the Best Contribution to the Progress of Cinematography at the Venice Film Festival, 1947, not only was shown for three months in New York, but had an equally warm reception in San Francisco and has received national publicity. It was undertaken as an artistic rather than as a commercial venture by Richter, who has been referred to as "the old master" of the "avant garde" in the experimental films, with the enthusiastic collaboration throughout of such internationally famous artists as Max Ernst, Man Ray, Alexander Calder, Fernand Leger, and Marcel Duchamp (famous for his early Cubist painting, Nude Descending the Stairs). Libby Holman and Josh White contributed songs and Darius Milhaud, David Diamond, Louis Applebaum, John Cage and Paul Bowles composed original music.
A committee of members of The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago in charge of the film showings and the exhibition includes: Mrs. Paul S. Russell, Mrs. Dallas B. Phemister, Mrs. Frederick Ingalls, Mrs. Frank Goodspeed, Mrs. Thomas French, Mrs. J. Dana Brown, Mrs. Howard Kornblith, Mrs. Siegmund Levarie, Mrs. Willis Pryer, Mrs. Ulrich A. Middledorf and Mrs. Fred Biesel, President and Director of Exhibitions respectively of the Renaissance Society, Mr. Robert M. Strozier, Mr. Albert Christ-Janer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haydon, and Mr. Egbert Jacobson.
This text was taken from the original exhibition press release.