
at The University of Chicago
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Drawings by Contemporary Artists

May 19 – June 10, 1944

The Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago announces as its final exhibit of the current season, drawings by contemporary artists. Goodspeed Hall, 1010 East 59th Street, May 20th through June 10th. The galleries are open to the public daily except Sunday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 M.

The exhibition will consist of about sixty drawings and will cover a wide range of modern work. Drawings by Alexander Archipenko, Pablo Picasso, Moholy-Nagy, Carlos Merida, Leopold Survage, Walt Kuhn, Frances Foy, Edmund Giesbert, Francis Chapin, Aaron Bohrod, Andrene Kauffman, Julia Thecla, David Bekker and Marie Laurencin will be among those represented.

Work has been loaned by the Department of Prints and Drawings of the Art Institute, and private collections, among them Mrs. Katherine Kuh, Mrs. Flora Schofield, Mrs. Joseph S. Stein and Miss Marion Johnson, who has loaned her unusually fine Picasso drawing. The exhibit will be opened by the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society which will be held in the galleries on Friday evening, May 19th. Following the meeting and the election of officers and directors for the coming year, Mr. Edgar Miller, prominent Chicago artist and winner of the Logan prize in the recent exhibit of Chicago Painters and Sculptors at the Art Institute, will speak on the exhibition.

Dr. and Mrs. Dallas Phemister, Mr. and Mrs. John Nef, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mulliken, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Woodward, Cecil Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fay-Cooper Cole, Dr. and Mrs. George Shambough, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Follock will be present at the meeting.

This text was taken from the exhibition release.


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is a contemporary art
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Wed  Mar 12, 2025