Contemporary Art from the Countries of the Western Hemisphere
arranged by the International Business Machines Corporation May 06 – May 29, 1941
Doctor Atl (Mexico) | Antonio Bellolio (Ecuador) | Julia Codesido (Peru) | Furchal Garcia (Brazil) | Roberto Lewis (Panama) | Antonio Rodriguez Morey (Cuba) | Victor Cuevas Pabon (Bolivia) | Antonio Sotomayor (Bolivia) The President and Directors of the Renaissance Society announce an
Exhibition of Contemporary Art from the Countries of the Western Hemisphere
assembled by the International Business Machines Corporation. These paintings were exhibited at the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco.
May 6 to May 29, 108 Goodspeed Hall, daily, except Sunday, 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
This text was taken from the exhibition announcement.