
at The University of Chicago
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Why Paint?: Judy Ledgerwood, Jim Lutes, Kay Rosen, Kevin Wolff

March 22 – April 26, 1992

Sun, Mar 22, 19924:00 pm

Opening Reception

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Sat, Apr 4, 199211:00 am


Painting, "The Artist" and Albert Camus
Joe Scanlan

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Working with "The Artist," a short story by French Nobel Prize-winning novelist Albert Camus, Joseph Scanlan will propose several of the contemporary influences and factors that have shaped the current status of painting, as well as the paradox of our society's continued fascination with and indifference toward the creative process.

Joseph Scanlan is the Assistant Director at the Renaissance Society.

This lecture is the first in a four-part lecture series on contemporary painting in Chicago.
Sat, Apr 11, 199211:00 am


Abstraction in Chicago
Craig Adcock

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Craig Adcock will discuss recent abstraction in Chicago. Adcock will focus primarily on painters such as Rodney Carswell, Julia Fish, Vera Klement, Judy Ledgerwood and Jim Lutes. For all of these artists, successful abstraction is the ability of a painting or object to speak as beautifully and meaningfully as possible in the barest minimum of materials or forms. This relationship between communication and economy is the root of abstraction's power.

Craig Adcock is Professor of Art History at the University of Notre Dame, and art critic for Tema Celeste.

This lecture is the second in a four-part lecture series on contemporary painting in Chicago.
Sat, Apr 18, 199211:00 am


Painting from the Inside Out
Carl Hammer

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Carl Hammer wil present and discuss a mixture of artists: Tim Anderson, Tony fitzpatrick, Lee Godie, Mr. Imagination, Mike Noland, John Snyder, and Bill Traylor, to name a few. Traditionally, high art has held an artist's awareness and intentions as the most basic rquirement for inclusion in Art History, excluding such american masters as Bill Traylor or Elijah Pierce because they didn't "know" what they were doing; now, Art with a capital "A" is being defined less and less in terms of "fine art" and more and more in terms of "the culture." Mr. Hammer's keen insights on art afford a unique perspective on painting, and will enlighten one's traditional understanding of artist's technical skills, creative visions, and tastes.

Carl Hammer is the Director of Carl Hammer Gallery.

This lecture is the third in a four-part lecture series on contemporary art in Chicago.
Sat, Apr 25, 199211:00 am


Why Bother? Painting as a Conceptual Strategy
Kathryn Hixson

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free
Kathryn Hixson will introduce and discuss the paintings of some Chicago conceptualists. Artists such as Gaylen Gerber, Kay Rosen, David Russick, and Kevin Wolff continue to practice and refine the craft of painting for their own conceptual purposes. While participating in the power of the tradition of painting, they examine the very power structures that have facilitated the flourishing of the tradition, in the extra-aesthetic realms of politics, economics, sexual definition, and other social and material relations.

Kathryn Hixson is an art critc for Arts Magazine, Flash Art, and New Art Examiner. This lecture is the fourth in a four-part lecture series on contemporary painting in Chicago.

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museum free and
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