
at The University of Chicago
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Suicide Narcissus

September 15 – December 15, 2013

Sun, Sep 15, 20134:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Opening Reception

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
Wed, Oct 9, 20138:00 pm


Improvised music, solo and duet sets
Birgit Ulher, trumpet
Eric Leonardson, electronics, assorted devices

Location: Bond Chapel, 1025 East 58th St.
Admission: FREE
Ulher and Leonardson are seasoned improvisers, with restraint being a key part of each of their repertoires. Her stark compositional sensibility will be set against the delightfully faceted tinkering of Chicago-based performer and composer Leonardson.
Wed, Oct 23, 20138:00 pm


Sendai Transmissions
Gene Coleman and Ensemble N_JP

Location: Bond Chapel, 1025 East 58th St.
Admission: FREE
Ko Ishikawa (sho)
Naomi Sato (sho)
Naoko Kikuchi (koto)
Yoko Reikano Kimura (koto)
Teddy Rankin-Parker (cello)
Alex Wateman (cello)
Nick Millevoi (electric guitar)
Toshimaru Nakamura (live electronics)

Audio and video composition by Gene Coleman

Sendai Transmissions is Coleman’s recent foray into music compositions in which live performances are set to video projection, the visuals for this score being based on the architecture of the Sendai Mediatheque, a building designed by Toyo Ito.
Sat, Oct 26, 20133:00 pm


Solveig Øvstebø in conversation with Hamza Walker

Location: Film Studies Center, 5811 S Ellis Ave, 3rd Floor
Admission: FREE
Sun, Nov 10, 20132:00 pm


Salvatore Sciarrino’s flute opera
Lisa Goethe, flute

Location: Bond Chapel, 1025 East 58th St.
Admission: FREE
Wed, Nov 13, 20138:00 pm


Yumiko Tanaka, Yoko Reikano Kimura

Location: Bond Chapel, 1025 East 58th St.
Admission: FREE
In its 400-year history, the shamisen, a sister to the banjo, has been subject to neo-refinement. With chops to burn, this duo will seamlessly span the depths of tradition and the heights of experimentation.
Sat, Nov 23, 20132:00 pm

Artist Talk

Paul Petritsch and Lucy Skaer

Location: Kent Hall Room 120
Admission: FREE
Hamza Walker will lead a discussion with Paul Petritsch and Lucy Skaer, two artists featured in the current exhibition, Suicide Narcissus.
Sun, Nov 24, 20132:00 pm


The Six Extinctions
Joe Masco, Professor of Anthropology and Social Sciences in the College, University of Chicago

Location: Swift Hall, Room 106 - 1025 East 58th S
Admission: FREE
Masco is the author of The Nuclear Borderlands: The Manhattan Project in Post-Cold War New Mexico (Princeton University Press, 2006). Through a series of articles, his interest in science and technology, U.S. national security culture, political ecology, mass media, and critical theory have led him to chart the socio-political and socio-psychological transition from nuclear to natural holocaust. This lecture will focus on topics raised through the work in the exhibition.
Mon, Dec 2, 20136:00 pm


Cyrus Console, poet

Location: Cobb Hall, Rm 409
Admission: FREE

The Renaissance Society
is a contemporary art
museum free and
open to the public
Fri  Mar 14, 2025