Diana Thater
China March 12 – April 23, 1995
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free An informal discussion with Diana Thater wil be conducted by Hamza Walker prior to the opening reception.
Opening Reception
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free
Masculinity on Display Gloria Patri Mary Kelly
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free This lecture by artist and feminist theorist Mary Kelly is part of the Rockefeller Foundation Program Public Spheres and the Globalization of Media, sponsored by The Adelyn Russell Bogert Endowment of the Chicago Humanities Institute, The University of Chicago Department of Art, Critical Inquiry, and The Renaissance Society.
Film Screening
So Not 90210
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free The program will include: Precious Products (1989), George Kuchar; L. A. Nickel (1983), Branda Miller; Cascades/Vertical Landscapes (1988), MICA-TV; Spaulding Gray's Map of L.A. (1984) and Made in Hollywood (1990), Bruce and Norman Yonemoto.
Curated by Diana Thater
Gallery Talk
Hamza Walker
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free