
at The University of Chicago
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Cathy Wilkes

I Give You All My Money
January 22 – March 04, 2012

Sun, Jan 22, 20124:00 pm

Opening Reception and Discussion

Cathy Wilkes

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
Featuring a talk with the artist and Hamza Walker in Kent Hall, Room 107, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. St. (on the Main Quadrangle of the University, northeast of Cobb Hall)
Tue, Jan 24, 20128:00 pm


Peter Evans (trumpet)

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
Over the past decade, the volume of solo trumpet work has made it a field, one blossoming into a beautiful array of styles and approaches from lyrically sentimental to severely stark. It is a field thick with talent making it all the more remarkable when something stands out as clearly as Peter Evans' 2006 release More is More. On this album, Evans managed to strike the full range of expanded techniques with a virtuosic attack that rendered the trumpet a hissing, whistling, gurgling cauldron of infinite possibilities. In addition to leading his own quartet, Evans has performed with the world?s leading improvisers. His solo gigs, however, remain legendary. He will perform in the gallery where he may finally have met his architectural match. This event will take place in the gallery.
Sun, Feb 5, 20122:00 pm


Irigaray and the Sacrifice of Sacrifice
Dennis King Keenan

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
Keenan, currently Professor of Philosophy at Fairfield University, Fairfield Connecticut, is the author of The Question of Sacrifice (Indiana University Press, 2005). In this concentrated and detailed look at questions surrounding the act of sacrifice, Keenan discusses both the role and the meaning of sacrifice in our lives. Building on recent philosophical discussions on the gift and transcendence, Keenan covers new ground with this exploration of the religious, psychological, and ethical issues that sacrifice entails. His lecture will be a close reading of Luce Irigaray?s seminal essay Women, the Sacred, Money. This event will take place in Cobb hall room 409 (down the hall from the gallery).
Sat, Feb 11, 20121:00 pm

Gallery Walk-through

Jennifer Scappettone

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
Scappettone, Assistant Professor in the University of Chicago Department of English, will lead an informal discussion of Wilkes? installation. Scappettone is the author of four collections of poetry, From Dame Quickly (2009), Beauty is the New Absurdity, (2007), Thing Ode (2007) and Err Residence (2007). She is also the author of several essays of criticism on figures such as Tan Lin and Jackson Mac Low. This event will take place in the gallery.
Sun, Feb 12, 20122:00 pm


Mannequin Mystique
Marsha Bentley Hale

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
No article on the mannequin is complete without a quote from Hale or a citation of her work. Hale is in the process of founding the Mannequin Museum, a virtual archive for the preservation of historical and contemporary mannequins in fashion, fine art, film and popular culture. For more than thirty years, Hale has been collecting mannequins and related photographs and historical data, a task she has likened to "doing a genealogy of this incredible extended family." She has pursued research internationally at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Victoria and Albert Museum, Museum of Costume (Bath, England), and the Smithsonian Institution. She has been an archival consultant to MCA Universal, Fox, Inc., Amblin Entertainment and DreamWorks, SKG. This event will take place in Cobb Hall, Room 409 (down the hall from the gallery).
Sun, Feb 26, 20127:00 pm


Frolic Architecture
David Grubbs (electronics) and Susan Howe (spoken word)

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: FREE
Grubbs and Howe return for a performance of their third and most recent release Frolic Architecture. Frolic drops the listener into a soundworld that germinates wildly from this most multiple and heterogeneous of Howe's celebrated collage poems. For long stretches, it is impossible to separate Howe's real-time performance of her fragment-strewn text from Grubbs's further deformations, scatterings, and layerings. These aberrant vocalizations are placed in a landscape in which individual pitches pulse autonomously within thick chords: gravel and cicadas duet.
This concert is co-sponsored with Poem Present and the University of Chicago Department of English, Committee on Creative Writing. This concert will take place in Bond Chapel.

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is a contemporary art
museum free and
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Fri  Feb 07, 2025