1997, ISBN 0-941548-35-X
$20.00 Members: $16.00
David Farrell Krell, Ben Nicholson
This CD ROM is the most action-packed piece of plastic since the hula hoop. Evolving from an exhibition held at The Renaissance Society in 1996, this CD-ROM presents an extensive overview of four of Nicholson's major projects: The Loaf House, The Kleptoman Cell, The Laurentian Library Panels, and B-52 Pickup. These real and virtual works of architecture probe the psyche of the American home, linking a host of provocative websites with each room. Using Netscape Navigator as its operating system, this CD-ROM seamlessly integrates contemporary architectural concerns and electronic space. Stunning graphics accompany a critical essay by philosopher David Farrell Krell and Nicholson's writings, narrated by the architect himself. No less than twenty video and animated segments along with a soundtrack by Gene Coleman, Ensemble Noamnesia, and GUSH make this an incredibly dynamic document of one of the most creative and eccentric architectural minds of our time. |