Trisha Donnelly
February 24 – April 06, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 8:00 pm
Ossatura, with Ensemble Noamnesia
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free
Elio Martusciello (electronics) Fabrizio Spera (percussion and electronics) Luca Venitucci (accordion and electronics) Lisa Goethe (flute) Mike Hartman (electronics) Marina Peterson (cello) Gene Coleman (bass clarinet)
Improvisation represents the backbone of the music played by Ossatura (Martusciello, Spera and Venitucci). Their music is marked by a sequence of sound blocks and diversified interlocking timbres and shapes, where detailed textural work alternates with rhythmic accelerations and highly dense sound events. Take all of that and multiply it by two as they will be joined by the well-seasoned members Ensemble Noamnesia.
This concert is supported in part by the Argosy Foundation Contemporary Music Fund.
This event will take place in the gallery and is FREE.