
at The University of Chicago
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Scott Short

January 07 – February 18, 2007


Friday, February 16, 2007, 8:00 pm


The Tabadol Project

Location: The Renaissance Society
Admission: free

TABADOL is an Arabic word meaning ?exchange?. The Tabadol Project brings together US composer and musician Gene Coleman with the Lebanese musicians and artists Raed Yassin (dbl. bass player, video and performance artist), Christine Sehnaoui (alto saxophonist and media arts curator), Mazen Kerbaj (trumpet player, visual artist and producer), Sharif Sehnaoui (guitarist and director of the MIL organization in Beirut), and Ziad El Ahmadie (Oud player, composer and educator). From February 13-28 2007 they worked and performed with over 50 US musicians and artists in Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Washington DC. and at Ohio University. The project included workshops, meetings, symposia and concerts that explore our globalized society through experimental music, dance and video.

The Chicago component of the Tabadol Project was comprised of three public concerts, each with a different thematic focus. The concert on Februry 16 at the Renaissance Society focused on the 5 Lebanese musicians improvising in various group formations, joined by Gene Coleman (bass clarinet), Marina Peterson (cello) and others TBA. This concert took place in the gallery.

The Tabadol Project is a production of Soundfield, NFP. Major funding for the Tabadol Project is provided by The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and The Kennedy Center in Washington DC.

Scott Short
The Tabadol Project

The Tabadol Project

The Tabadol Project from The Renaissance Society on Vimeo.


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