California Performance Now and Then
January 16 – January 31, 1981
Saturday, January 17, 1981, 3:00 pm
Studio Tom Marioni
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free
Tom Marioni has set out to remove the distinctions between art and life. His practice includes work as curator, editor, and lecturer as well as activities he terms "art actions." His art actions express both a private and a public self. His first large-scale public work was MOCA, the Museum of Conceptual Art, which he founded in San Francisco in 1970. It was here that many of California's early conceptual artists held many of their events, including one of Marioni's most celebrated public works,The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest Form of Art.
Studio the artist says: "This work is an art action and situation that recreates the look and feel of my studio where the audience can witness the fact of making an artwork--the equal marriage of sound with a visual image. I will create a self-portrait and vanish into the work."