California Performance Now and Then
January 16 – January 31, 1981
Thursday, January 29, 1981, 7:00 pm
Coming of Age in 1980 Moira Roth
Location: The Renaissance Society Admission: free
With the publication of "Toward a History of California Performance," Arts Magazine, Feb., June, 1978, Moira Roth made the first important effort to present a descriptive chronology of a decade of performance work. To prepare for this essay, she spoke to artists all over the West Coast, attempting to reconstruct undocumented works. Her investigation revealed vital informaiton about early performance. Roth continues to contriubte on this subject to both art and drama journals. Some of her recent articles are "A Star is Born," Performing Arts Journal, No. 12, 1980, and "Visions and Revisions," Artforum, November, 1980.
In her lecture, Roth will explore current work including that of young artists whose pieces are more theatrical in form and draw on new wave culture. Roth is an associate professor in the Art History Department at the University of California, San Diego.