Ralph Adams Cram, A.N.A., Litt. D.
LECTURE: The Cathedral at Rheims December 08 – December 08, 1917
"Ralph Adams Cram, A.N.A., Litt.D., who lectures for the Society tonight on "The Cathedral of Rheims," is professor of architecture in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the architect of many notable buildings in various parts of the country, among them the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, collegiate buildings at Princeton and at the Rice Institute, and the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago. He has written extensively on Gothic art and kindred subjects. His latest books are Heart of Europe and The Substance of Gothic.
The Renaissance Society aims to provide the University of Chicago such material means and personal influences as will contribute to the cultivation of the arts and the enrichment of the life of the community. For the promotion of these ends the Society plans to hold exhibitions of such objects as the University possesses; to arrange for loan exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, prints, manuscripts, books, and other objects of beauty or historical interest; to encourage gifts to the University of such objects, or of funds for the purchase of them; to secure the delivery of lectures on the arts; and to engage in other similar activities.
While tonight's lecture is open to the public, only members of the Society will be invited to the lectures to be given later in the year. For the period of the war the annual dues for students of the University are fifty cents; for other persons $1.50. Those who can make larger contributions may join as sustainting members, paying $5.00 a year; or as life members, paying a single fee of $100.00.
You are invited to become a member of the Society by filling out the blank below and sending it with fee to Professor David A. Robertson, Secretary of the Renaissance Society, Faculty Exchange, the University of Chicago."
The above text is from the flyer for the lecture.
This lecture was one of the University of Chicago War Lectures.